CDS Conversion Drum

SKU: 1.11.01A Categories: ,


The CDS Conversion Drum was developed by Doug Stronach and Hugh Cameron. With the depth of the shell reduced, but shell thickness increased, the drum responds quicker and is higher pitched and brighter than any full size drum on the market with far less head tension. Less head tension creates more air flowing through the drum resulting in more volume, clarity and projection. The drum was played by the Toronto Police Grade 1 band during the mid 2000s and won several Grade 1 drum corps prizes including the North American Championships at Maxville.

Depending on the type of hardware, the completed drum can weigh anywhere from 12-14lbs, making it one of the lightest options on the market. In addition to the reduced weight, players have noted that the greatly reduced footprint makes it easier to transport and carry the drum to and from engagements. Drum cases are available for the drum here.